Custom Test solutions using a PC and Data Aquisiton Card.
This test solution is
for a fuel level sensor, tests for on/off level, contact resistance, high voltage
breakdown test. All measurements for each sensor are stored in an SQL database
for the Automotive industry. If the sensor passes all tests, it is automatically
stamped with a date code.
Custom non-contact test for reed switches.
This is an aftercut tester,
used to test the switch on/off point, of a reed switch after it has been cut
and the legs formed. It is controlled by a PIC micro controller and is designed
to be fed from a ball feeder, with the passing and failing parts collected in
separate bins fitted under the shoots.
Complete Turnkey AOI and Functional Tester
Tester for Vehicle steering rate sensor,
Has built in rotary table, giving a load / unload point protected with a light curtain.
An optical test station where unit under test is automatically inspected top and bottom using Keyence camera system.
A functional test position, and a position for auto removal of failing units so only good parts are returned to operator.
Machine control is via an Allen Bradley PLC. With PC software developed using LabView with National Instruments test hardware.
Cost effective PLC controlled tester
Tester to test liquid level sensor.
Our own design PIC microcontroller board is used to control and automatically test sensors.
Display gives test progress and pass / fail information.
All test data is transmitted to central PC for data logging.